Rockstar Entertainment
Das als streng geltende British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), Groß Brittaniens unabhängiger Regulator zur Klassifizierung von Videos, Filmen und Bildschirmspielen, hat Grand Theft Auto IV ungeschnitten freigegeben. Die britischen erwachsenen Spieler wird es freuen, das Rating empfiehlt das Spiel für Gamer ab 18.

Inhaltlich bedeutet das: Gewalt, vulgäre Dialoge, Drogen und Sex.


Den detaillierten Bericht zu GTA IV hatte die BBFC irrtümlich schon vorab veröffentlicht, um ihn später wieder zurückzunehmen. Die Vereinbarung mit dem Hersteller Rockstar Entertainment besagte, der Bericht dürfe erst zehn Tage vor der Markteinführung veröffentlicht werden.

Die Abschrift konnte allerdings dennoch von so mancher Seite gesichert werden. Anbei ein paar Auszüge daraus, als Bildungsansporn im Original:

  • Gewalt

    "Violence is a central theme of the game, with the character able to engage on missions which invariably involving killing in return for money and other in-game rewards. The character can gain use of a variety of weapons including machine guns, Molotov cocktails, a serrated knife and a rocket propelled grenade launcher."

    "Injuries and death are shown with blood including blood projected onto nearby walls, windscreens and the camera lens. The character is able to attack and kill any other character in the game, including 'innocent' non player characters, although this carries a strong risk of being pursued by the police providing a negative consequence for such action.

  • Sex

    "Sex references also occur during cut scenes, including references to strong sexual behaviour. During gameplay the character can pick up prostitutes and pay for three different levels of service. What follows is an un-detailed portrayal of masturbation, fellatio and intercourse. The character can also visit lap dancing clubs and request a private dance. While the game contains sexualised dancing and the portrayal of sex, there is no sexualised nudity.

  • Drogen

    "Reference is made to drugs trafficking and several cut scenes portray cocaine snorting. There is also a satirical reference to the domestic production of a hard drug, but it does not contain the detail necessary to reproduce this in the real world.

    Wann und wo?

    GTA IV wird am 29. April weltweit für PlayStation 3 und Xbox 360 erscheinen. (zw)