Brüssel - Das internationale Telekom-Joint-Venture Global One bietet seinen Kunden künftig in 33 Staaten einen Hochgeschwindigkeits-Internetzugang an. Das von France Telecom, Deutscher Telekom und der US-Telefongesellschaft Sprint betriebene Gemeinschaftsunternehmen teilte am Montag in Brüssel mit, der Internetzugang "Global Dial Access" werde in allen Ländern mit einer einheitlichen geringen Gebühr angeboten. Der Preis sei "extrem konkurrenzfähig" und setze sich aus nutzungszeit-abhängigen Gebühren und den Telefonkosten zusammen.
Key features of the Global Dial Access Internet Service include:

High-speed, native IP access The service provides native IP access to the Internet, at speeds up to 56 Kbps (PSTN) and 64 Kbps (ISDN).

Global roaming With a local number business travelers or local users can access the Internet from virtually anywhere in the world using the same log in ID and password.

Customer Service Global One customers can rely on 24 X 7 global customer service on a multilingual basis. The network incorporates redundancy for high availability and reliability, and network management centers in Frankfurt, Germany, and Reston, Virginia, provide around-the-clock monitoring.

Pricing/Billing Structure Pricing for the service is extremely competitive, with one low, per-hour charge offered worldwide. Service billing supports single invoicing for worldwide usage. Invoices are available in a number of languages and can be structured to provide internal charge-back information.

Security High levels of security and access are offered through authentication and optional managed firewalls, available in conjunction with the Global Security solution. The enhanced security options available with this solution were announced on August 2, 1999.