Wie Blackserver/linux/ berichtet, hatte ein Loki-Support-Techniker kürzlich nicht irgendeinen "Newbie" in der Leitung. Dieser Neuling entpuppte sich laut Slashdot als Microsoft-Mitarbeiter, der Probleme beim Installieren von CivCTP (Civilization: Call to Power) für Linux hatte. Wie sich im Laufe des Gesprächs herausstellte, arbeitet der Mitarbeiter des Softwaregiganten Microsoft an einer Brauchbarkeitsstudie: "This machine is going to used for ... well, I'm a Microsoft employee and my group is doing a usability study on Linux". Das Resüme des Loki-Technikers: "He had absolutely no idea where the game had been installed, and didn't know how to search for it ...". Der Mann hatte keine Ahnung. Was wiederum wilde Spekulationen der Slashdot-Community hervorrief. Was bedeutet es, wenn "Big Bill" "Game-Newbies" brandneue Pentium III, 450 Mhz, mit dem OS Linux überläßt, die keine Handbücher, How-To's oder README-Dateien lesen, um schließlich eine "Usability Study" zu verfassen? Hier einige Statements: "Weil ein ahnungsloser Newbie ein typischer Microsoft-User ist." "They're going to put all these total idiots on overpowered machines. They're going to have them use Linux for a few weeks. Then Windows 2000 for a few weeks. Release the 'study' as 'fact' and genuine 'scientific research' in their battle against all unixes." "Microsoft is checking out the competition. I don't see anything unusual here ... standard business practice." "In fact, who do you think MS would hire to study Linux? Developers? No way! Once they got a hold of Linux they'd never go back to Windows." "It seems to me that the guy from Microsoft could have just as well been testing various support departments to see how much support you could get." ( Blackserver )