Wien - Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Queere Interventionen. Gespräche zu Kulturwissenschaft und Theorie" des Referats für HomoBiTrans-Angelegenheiten ist am Donnerstag, den 13. Dezember, Stefan Brandt von Universität Siegen zu Gast. Er hält einen Vortrag unter dem Titel: "(Re)Mapping the "New World": Queer Imagery and the American Dream in Literature, Painting, Film, and Sports"


"America", Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in 1835, "is the one country where the most consistent care has been taken to trace clearly distant spheres of action for the two sexes where both are required to walk at an equal pace but along paths that are never the same." If Tocqueville is correct with his observation regarding the 'separate spheres' in American society, how can it be explained that the dominant cultural imagery is so obsessed with ambisexual and transgendered images?

Anschließend Präsentation von
"In a different Light: An Anthology of Students' Projects on Queer Theory"

Organisation und Planung: Astrid Fellner (Institut für Anglistik / Amerikanistik, Uni Wien) (red)